Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Brighter Tomorrow

Here we are once again! Digging around our closets for scarves and mittens, monitoring our thermostats, changing the clocks, and warming up our cars before our daily departure. Spending less time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and more time rushing to get inside.

It is also the time of year when we go inside mentally and emotionally. We prepare for less social functions and sidewalk dining, and more time curling up with a book or movie. More time to be alone, in the quiet darkness of our homes. As a result this introspective time of year can cause a shift in our thoughts and habits; here are a few tips to help you find and embrace the light this winter season:

-Wake up slowly. Allow for just a few moments to quickly rub your hands together and take a few deep breaths, let your muscles and joints warm and wake up to the day.
-Love your morning smoothie? Try starting out with some hot water and lemon...When you are feeling more awake enjoy your smoothie with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, and a small knub of peeled ginger; delicious herbs with healing and warming qualities, yum!
-Enjoy hearty soups with grounding root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Make a big pot and freeze some so you can take it out and re-heat it at your convenience, maybe during that snow storm when everyone else is scurrying to the grocery store!
-Dance. Winter often creates lethargy and our daily exercise routine becomes a challenge. Take a few minutes to put on some of your favorite music and dance around while doing chores. You will feel refreshed and energized!
-Light a candle during dinner, and take a moment before your meal to think about someone you love.
-Take a "hot" yoga class. If you love yoga this is a great time of year to try out "hot" yoga. Great for generating some sweat, detoxifying the body and mind, and getting your heart pumping during this slow time of year.
-Put up Christmas lights; even if you don't celebrate Christmas or Chanukah, Christmas lights are fun and bring a soft and pretty light to even the darkest days.
-Take a warm bath with essential oils such as cinnamon, sandalwood, sage, vanilla or clove.
-Hug the one you love! Your Mom or Dad, best friend, roommate, partner, or kid. Grab them and feel the light!

Enjoy this introspective and intense time of year and cherish it for what it is: a crossroads in life that allows us to reflect, give thanks, set goals, and rest.   

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